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School of Medicine

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Legacy Teachers Program Endowment Fund

The Legacy Teacher program was created in 2005 to recognize that patients are among the best and most memorable teachers for physicians.  Each year participating third-year medical students reflect on patients who have had a lasting impact on their ability to provide patient-centered care through essays, artwork or poetry describing the patients' contributions to their lifelong development. Participating patients and students are recognized at an annual luncheon that attracts hundreds of supporters.

Legacy Teacher is an unparalleled opportunity for medical students to thank and honor former patients who taught them lessons that will continue to inspire them during their entire professional careers.  It has had a real impact on the patients and their families who are honored and touched by this recognition and amazed that they have had such an impact on a young physician’s life.

Anne FitzsimmonsDr. Deborah Chance and Dr. Thomas MawhinneyDrs. Linda Headrick and David Setzer
Elizabeth (Betsy) GarrettElizabeth A GarrettJeff and Sandy Belden
Jon and Carla DyerSteven Zweig and Susan EvenThomas Mawhinney and Deborah Chance
